sexta-feira, março 10, 2006

Relembrando os tempos do colégio

... aqueles em que o Bon Jovi significava alguma coisa na sua vida

(crise adolescente)

If you're ugly,
I'm ugly too
In your eyes the sky's a different blue
If you could see yourself like others do
You'd wish you were as beautiful as you
And I wish I was a camera sometimes
So, I could take your picture with my mind
Put it in a frame for you to see
How beautiful you really are to me
Ugly, Ugly
All of us just feel like that somedays
Ain't no rainbow in the sky
When you feel U.G.L.Y.
And that's ugly, yeah, yeah, yeah
Ugly, Ugly
All of us just feel like that somedays
Ain't no rainbow in the sky
When you feel U.G.L.Y.
And that's ugly, ugly
All of us just feel like that somedays
Ain't no cure that you can buy
When you feel U.G.L.Y.
And that's ugly
So, if you're ugly,
I'm ugly too
If you're a nut, then I must be a screw
If you couls see yourself the way I do
You'd wish you were as beautiful as you
I wish I was as beautiful as you


At março 20, 2006 6:17 PM, Blogger Pierre said...

Este comentário foi removido por um administrador do blog.

At março 20, 2006 6:19 PM, Blogger Pierre said...

O que pode ser realmente deprimente é traduzir as letras do Bon Jovi, e saber que ele ganha mais dinheiro que você.

At março 27, 2006 11:42 AM, Anonymous Anônimo said...

acho q esse blog pede uma atualizaçao!!!

At março 27, 2006 6:25 PM, Anonymous Anônimo said...

Cara, Jon, o bon, Jovi é eterno... quando ele solta aquela: "If don't love me.. lie to me......", ainda me faz chorar...


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